Easy Summer Fruit Recipes

  • Post category:Recipes


I just love Australian summer fruit. Among my favourite fruits are peaches and strawberries, bursting with their fresh, juicy flavours.  For a different taste sensation try roasting them to release those lovely juices and serve with a dollop of Greek yoghurt. Using maple syrup as the sweetener keeps the dish low GI. Leftovers keep well in the fridge and are great served with muesli or other cereals for breakfast

This Recipe is Great For....


Method 1

Sweet & Saucy Roast Strawberries

  • (works well with strawberries that are not so sweet)
  • Wash & remove stems from strawberries. Chop the strawberries if they are large.
  • Place on a sheet of baking paper on an oven tray
  • Drizzle over 1-2 tbsp of maple syrup and 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • Roast for 20 mins in a moderate oven until softened.
  • Serve with Greek yoghurt

Method 2

Sue’s Delicious Roast Peaches (serves 4)

  • Wash, halve and remove the stone from 4 peaches
  • Place peach halves on a sheet of non stick paper paper on an oven tray
  • Drizzle over 1-2 tbsp maple syrup
  • Top with a sprinkling of crushed nuts (eg pistachios, almonds or pecans) & cinnamon
  • Roast for 20 mins in a moderate oven
  • Serve with Greek yoghurt & extra nuts or cinnamon if desired.